Friday, September 4, 2015

It's Friday!

Today is Friday... that glorious last day of the work and school week. And it's the beginning of a long weekend to boot!

As I was checking the weather for the weekend, I noticed there is a fair amount of rain in the forecast, beginning tomorrow. I don't know about you, but an extended weekend full of rainy days isn't my idea of perfection. While there are lots of things happening on Labor Day weekend... cookouts, days at the lake, football, football, and football Did I mention football?,  you may find yourself at the point of What do I do with these wild monkeys that have been inside the house and played with all the toys, and eaten all the food, and watched all the football?? (because let's face it, we all get there at some point!) The folks over at Real Simple have some great "stuff to do" suggestions. Check out the article here. We'd love to hear back from you if you used any of these ideas, so let us know how they worked for you!

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend... we'll see you at school on Tuesday!

For the PTO,